
Drinking Like a Saint

The Hall 111 S 11th St., West Des Moines, IA

Speaker: Michael Foley, Ph.D.  What does Catholicism have to do with a good cocktail? Catholics have always had a bit of a reputation for fine wine and spirits. But why? In this talk, Michael will speak on three things. First, why and how the Catholic Church has always embraced the beauty of a good cocktail. […]


Answering Atheism

The Hall 111 S 11th St., West Des Moines, IA

Speaker: Trent Horn Is God real? Can we know that God exists? While it is certainly true that certain Church doctrines are known through revelation, the Church also claims that […]


Saint Joseph Matters

The Hall 111 S 11th St., West Des Moines, IA

Speaker: Devin Schadt Most Catholics understand that Mary, the Mother of God, is a big deal. But what about Joseph? Is he important? Does he matter? Next to the person […]


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