
Course 3


About This Course

If you’re a grandfather, you’re probably very interested in answering the question, “How do I pass my faith to my grandkids? There is no simple answer to that question, but this course will take you a long way! In a world full of busy parents combatting our present culture, grandparents have never been more important! In preparation for this course, FORGE interviewed world-renowned experts in psychology, sociology, theology, and ministry. We then distilled the best of their advice to bring you five, data-driven lessons on passing the faith to future generations. Each lesson includes a 25-minute video and written leader guide. Our faith teaches that families are “churches in miniature,” or domestic Churches. Grandfathers will leave equipped to create a strong family culture, speak to their grandkids about Church teaching, and lead their families in faith.

Course Curriculum

Trailer & Preparation

Multiple studies in the last decade show that the influence of grandparents in the 21st century is increasing, not decreasing. Further, grandparents and especially grandfathers have a particularly powerful voice in establishing the narrative/identity of their families. Your family is a supernatural thing, “a Church.” As a Church, your family communicates the story of the gospel. Do you believe that story? Can you communicate it to your grandchildren? The practical application section involves a discussion of how to communicate the core truths of the faith in simple terms to children of various ages.

This module will ground the importance of male-led rituals in Old Testament theology, highlighting the particularly important role of the eldest male in Israelite culture. This module shows that male role models (especially fathers and grandfathers) play a critical role in cultivating their children’s sense of faith and identity. Thus, grandfathers must be intentionally involved in faith formation. The application section includes practical suggestions as to how grandfathers might lead and witness to the faith in their homes. Grandfathers set the tone of their families at many of the families’ most critical and identity-forming moments.

Culture eats strategy for breakfast. Data shows that certain qualities in family culture are critical for passing along the faith. Practically speaking, what qualities should a couple cultivate in the culture of their home to effectively pass along the faith to the next generation? We recommend the following: (1) authenticity, (2) orthodoxy within community, (3) authority and warmth. What do we mean by those qualities? Well, you’ll have to watch the module. The practical application gives concrete advice for how grandparents can lead their families in each area. What are the stories of your family that speak to the best parts of your family identity?

Steve Farrar’s, “Anchor Man,” challenges grandfathers to consider how they might anchor their families in the faith for the next 100 years. As a grandfather, your legacy will outlast your earthly life. What do you want that legacy to look like. This module gives practical tips on how to leave a faithful legacy to you grandchildren, planting seeds that will keep your family faithful for generations to come.

This module will give particular emphasis to what we term the “nuclear ideal.” Families might be the building block of society, but the nuclear family is MUCH stronger when nested within a broader support structure. One of the best things that grandparents can do for their grandchildren is to support their adult children who indeed are their grandchildren’s primary educators. This module will conclude with practical suggestions on how grandparents might connect with children/grandchildren both in town and across geographic distance and to do so in a manner that respects their adult children’s role as primary educators.


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What does FORGE do?

FORGE fights for the family. FORGE provides resources, conducts research, and facilities grassroots experiences in service of family flourishing. Our vision is a world full of empowered fathers and thriving families.

Yes, for groups of 5 or more we offer group discounts. Please reach out to for discount pricing.

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The course can be taken as an individual, couple, or small group. If you are taking this course as a group, each member of the group needs to make an individual purchase of the course. The course contains six modules (plus one bonus module). Each module has both a video and a written component. The videos are 20-30 minutes long, and the written components are 12-20 pages. The end of each text includes questions for use in a small group setting.

For whom is this course designed?

This course is designed for grandfathers who wish to more effectively pass their faith to future generations.

Fundamentally this course answers the question, “How does a grandfather pass his faith to future generations?” Grandfathers will learn data-driven priciples and engage expert testimonies for passing along the faith.

This course is accessible for 18 months, after which time you will need to re-purchase the course.

FORGE affirms that humanity is intentionally and immutably male or female. Marriage is a lifelong commitment for one man and one woman.

Sign up for a Small Group

Forge only facilitates small groups in the greater Des Moines Metro area

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