
Course 1

Fathers and Sons: Conversations on Sex Ed, Marriage, and Masculinity

About This Course

Remember, sexual formation does not begin in adolescence. It starts early. From infancy onward, you are the primary source of your child’s sexual education (or at least you should be). Are you ready? This course will set you on the right track by addressing the following:

Course Curriculum

Trailer & Preparation


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What does FORGE do?

FORGE fights for the family. FORGE provides resources, conducts research, and facilities grassroots experiences in service of family flourishing. Our vision is a world full of empowered fathers and thriving families.

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The course can be taken as an individual, couple, or small group. If you are taking this course as a group, each member of the group needs to make an individual purchase of the course. The course contains six modules (plus one bonus module). Each module has both a video and a written component. The videos are 20-30 minutes long, and the written components are 12-20 pages. The end of each text includes questions for use in a small group setting.

For whom is this course designed?

This course is designed for all parents with children in the home. The content is valuable for anyone seeking to raise healthy children in the midst of our present complex world. Though the course is valuable for any parent, it focuses most especially on supporting fathers of sons.

The purpose of this content is to give parents (particularly fathers) the tools that they need to raise sexually healthy kids in the modern world. Fundamentally, this course responds to the question, “In the midst of a sexually confusing world, how do I raise my children to sexually thrive?”

This course is accessible for 18 months, after which time you will need to re-purchase the course.

FORGE affirms that humanity is intentionally and immutably male or female. Marriage is a lifelong commitment for one man and one woman.

Sign up for a Small Group

Forge only facilitates small groups in the greater Des Moines Metro area

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