Fathers, Bless Your Children

Fathers, Bless Your Children

Fathers, Bless Your Children An explanation of paternal blessings Fathers, Bless Your Children Cardinal Ratzinger, who became Pope Benedict XVI, encouraged all parents to bless their children regularly. He recounts his experience with receiving the blessing of his...
Technology in the Home

Technology in the Home

Technology in the Home Perspective, Principles, and Practices Technology in the Home In 1997, my wife Angela and I welcomed the first of our eleven children. The rest of our children came like a flight of stairs, one after another, in most cases less than 2 years...
Rupture to Repair

Rupture to Repair

Rupture to Repair Six Tips to Compost Parenting Mistakes into Deeper Connection Rupture to Repair As parents, we all know that moment. The red flash of anger has cleared, our blood pressure has gone down, and we step back just enough to realize the mess we have made....
Ten Ways to Break (or Make) Your Small Group

Ten Ways to Break (or Make) Your Small Group

Ten Ways to Break (or Make) Your Small Group Our Top Suggestions to Poison Your Crew Ten Ways to Break (or Make) Your Small Group CS Lewis’ famed novel, The Screwtape Letters, is cast as a conversation between two demons. The first demon, Screwtape, is a more...
Why a Men’s Group?

Why a Men’s Group?

Why a Men’s Group? Five Reasons You Need a Men’s Group Why a Men’s Group?  When: Thursday mornings. 1930 – 1949. Where: The Eagle and Child Pub, Oxford Who: C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkien, and company Why: To Change the World What: Men’s Group...
The Role of a Father in Homemaking

The Role of a Father in Homemaking

The Role of a Father in Homemaking Many Men Struggle to Engage With Home Life. Why? What Can You Do? The Role of a Father in Homemaking Homo sapiens is a species designed to live in a zoo very different from the one in which it is currently the leaseholder. 1Lionel...