A FORGE is a place where people gather to make tools. So, we don’t make our resources alone. Rather, we gather the best minds available, then coordinate those minds to craft world-class resources. Try a course. You won’t be disappointed.

Conversations on Sex Ed, Marriage, and Masculinity
In this course FORGE answers the question, “In the midst of our sexually toxic culture, how do I raise my children to be sexually healthy?” Sexual formation is much more than “the talk” (though that’s covered here too).
Like it or not, Sex Ed starts early and spans through to adulthood. In seven modules, Forge provides vision and practical tips for parents of children ages 1-15.

6-part series designed for parents to transmit their Christian faith to their kids.
How do the best parents pass their faith to their kids?” There is no simple answer to that question, but this course will take you a long way. In preparation for this course, FORGE interviewed world-renowned experts in psychology, sociology, theology, and ministry. We then distilled the best of their advice to bring you six, data-driven lessons on raising your kids as Catholic Christians!

A 5-part series designed for grandfathers to transmit their Christian faith to their grandkids.
If you’re a grandfather, you’re probably very interested in answering the question, “How do I pass my faith to my grandkids? In preparation for this course, FORGE interviewed world-renowned experts in psychology, sociology, theology, and ministry. We then distilled the best of their advice to bring you five, data-driven lessons on transmitting the faith to your grandchildren!