
About Us

FORGE is an organization which fights for the family. With a strategic emphasis on men, FORGE champions the flourishing of the family and evangelizes by virtue of that flourishing. But FORGE does not fight alone. Seeking to bring a diverse and well-rounded set of minds to bear on difficult problems, FORGE works with a team of collaborators, partners, and consultants, a sampling of whom are listed below.


Just as marriage and children are lifelong commitments – our perpetual commitment is to help you build a family that thrives! Through education, research, and grassroots experiences, we are creating a global community of healthy fathers, strong families, and empowered evangelizers. Collectively, this group will revitalize the family, transform the culture, and rebuild the Church.

Regardless of your place on life’s journey, FORGE is committed to meeting you where you’re at … then taking you further than you thought possible. FORGE exists to build men, marriages, and families that are fully alive! By showing the radiance of fathers and families, we illuminate the radiance of He who is life itself: Jesus Christ.

Our Guiding Pillars

Light in Darkness

Guided by scripture and in imitation of Jesus Christ, flourishing Christian families are agents for evangelization both through their witness and through authentic friendship.

Natural Law

Though accessible to all people of good will, the intact natural law is the Church’s gift to the world. Its protection is critical for family flourishing.

Primacy of the Family

Stable marriages and families are both the bedrock and the pinnacle of civil society. Family flourishing is of paramount importance for global flourishing.

Sexual Complementarity

Humanity is intentionally and immutably male and female. The flourishing of the family requires the flourishing of individuals in accord with their sexual difference.

Human Dignity

Every person, from conception to death, possesses inherent dignity and immeasurable worth —including preborn children, elderly individuals, and other marginalized members of society.

Right of the Child

Children are a cherished and undeserved gift. As the privileged place for childhood development, children have a right to the marriage of their parents.

Board of Directors

Board of Advisors

Contributing Experts

Below is a sampling of the minds contributing to FORGE's several curriculum.

Sign up for a Small Group

Forge only facilitates small groups in the greater Des Moines Metro area

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